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An Actionable DEI Insight  ...  Cultural Sensitivity
What Are Microaggressions

We don’t like to admit that our actions may be microaggressions.  We like to think of ourselves as good people who treat others fairly, realizing that we have said or done something insensitive can be threatening to our sense of self.

Over time, they add up ... making their targets (People) confused, hurt, and that may build up over time to anger and disengagement. 




Because the cumulatively effects of Microaggressions become unintentional (or intentional) psychological bullyism ... direct attacks on a person's identity and self-respect.  â€‹The net effect is lost opportunity.


Microaggressions seem like "little" things said in fun, or just being insensitive.  But these little things represent small trauma to the target individuals. 


Targets “feel out of place,” as one study participant put it. He found that the participants reported experiencing microaggressions and feeling ignored or devalued by their friends and people they should be able to trust.

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